Friday, May 1, 2009

New article on Video Game Addiction

I just ran across this e-article on video game addiction that focuses primarily on the preteen (9-12 years) demographic. Though the ideas are sound and useful, what bothers me is that no mention is made of how this addiction transcends ethnicity, affluence, and age. If it were contained within a particular age range (or part of the country), it'd be a lot easier to deal with.

What makes me happy is that the issue is being discussed. For me, at least, that's something significant. It's time to take video game addiction seriously. I see that Ozzy Osbourne World of Warcraft commercial on TV at least three times a day (and that's not counting the nearly 3 million views it had online over the past 6 months).

Blizzard is upping the ante. We need to, too.

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